in process

the following is work iā€™m either currently using to process life events or creations of the past. instead of focusing on the idea of progression, i center my work around presence, deep listening, and what is true now.


cancer scans as art

I don't really know what to say about this video, except that sometimes finding the surreal beauty in our grief can be the only way through it. Also that I'm grateful for modern technology as often as I am devastated by it. And I am in awe of people who can hold the line of pain and joy so beautifully sometimes I want to burst.

This is a video I put together after I received the MRI scans of my cancer in August. As soon as I saw them, I cried at how beautiful and mysterious our bodies are. And how this brings the study of my "inner landscape" to a whole new level. I spent about four hours clipping this together, and it made me feel like I was taking some control over a situation I had none in, and that felt good too.